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Europe Program

The Chamber's Europe team champions a pro-business agenda across Europe and in Washington to expand commercial opportunities for members by advancing open and competitive markets, economic growth, and transatlantic cooperation.

The U.S. Chamber’s Europe Program team advocates for free enterprise, competitive markets, and rules-based trade and investment with Europe as the path to economic opportunity and prosperity for all.

The United States and Europe enjoy an unmatched, deep-rooted commercial and geostrategic partnership. The $8.7 trillion transatlantic commercial relationship accounts for one-third of the world’s GDP and supports 16 million jobs. Two-way trade in goods exceeds $1.22 trillion, while services account for $700 billion. The two-way investment relationship is even more impressive: the U.S. is the EU’s largest foreign investment partner, and European countries represent eight of the top ten sources of foreign direct investment in the United States.

The Chamber’s Europe Program is focused on driving an expansion of transatlantic trade and investment opportunities. We help shape policies that facilitate a seamless and prosperous transatlantic market, ensuring that the economic ties between the U.S. and Europe not only endure but continue to deepen in the face of evolving global challenges.

Our Objectives 

  • Resolution of existing trade irritants and effective engagement to avoid the emergence of new frictions.  
  • Reduced regulatory and civil liability burdens. 
  • Avoidance of conflicting, duplicative, or overlapping regulations.  
  • Effective, transparent, and ongoing stakeholder engagement.  
  • Non-discriminatory, WTO-consistent application of EU regulations and policies intended to promote strategic autonomy and technological sovereignty.  

We are uniquely positioned to ensure that transatlantic business interests are effectively advanced via a combination of advocacy, access, thought leadership, and communication with senior policymakers and leaders. 

  • Advocacy: We lead the charge in support of a closer and more integrated transatlantic economy by fighting for transparent, non-discriminatory policies and regulations that are not unduly burdensome and for the elimination of unnecessary tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade and investment. 
  • Head of State Meetings: When leaders want to meet the business community, they come to the Chamber. In recent years, we have welcomed heads of state from several European nations, including Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, United Kingdom, and Ukraine. 
  • Private Roundtables: We host off-the-record, members-only roundtables with European Commissioners, MEPs, Ministers, and Ambassadors, as well as members of Congress, U.S. government officials, and other thought leaders. These events offer a unique opportunity to engage with decision-makers in a private setting. 
  • Delegations to Europe: We lead high-profile delegations to meet with top policymakers in Europe on a range of important issues, including trade, tax, energy, sustainability, the digital economy, and innovation. 
  • Flagship Events: Our annual Transatlantic Business Works Summit draws business and government leaders from both sides of the Atlantic to promote transatlantic ties and develop concrete solutions to shared challenges. 
  • Working Groups: We convene working groups to address discrete issues identified by our members, including energy and sustainability, digital policy, and life sciences.

Join Us 

For more information about the Chamber’s Europe program, reach out to Tim Bradley.


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