A look back at US Chamber CEO Tom Donohue’s 2019 State of American Business Address,andwhat we’re doing to advance the priorities of America’s business community.

Over 450 business groups and associations from every sector of the economy have joined our U.S. Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) Coalition to support the trade deal.
We’ve held over 740 meetings in Congress, arranged 440 meetings or events with congressional members and staff in their states and districts, and conducted 431 briefings for state and local chambers of commerce and associations.
We led a delegation of business and government leaders to China for high-level discussions on economic and commercial policy issues, including trade.

We’ve joined the American Trucking Association, AFL-CIO, and over 300 other organizations in pushing for modernizing America’s infrastructure.
And we’re leading a coalition of 180 businesses and labor groups calling for infrastructure investment.

We’re working with the Administration to develop and implement a national workforce plan to meet the needs of today’s economy—and tomorrow’s.
We created the Job Data Exchange and T3 Innovation Network to make it easier for employers and job candidates to explore potential opportunities.
And we established the Talent Pipeline Management initiative to help close the skills gap by launching academies in 26 states to help businesses source and train workers.

We’re working with President Trump and Congress to strengthen our economy – and keep our borders secure with real immigration reform.
And we’re leading a broad coalition urging for the protection of immigrant workers, their families, and Dreamers.

Our “Hiring Our Heroes” program is helping veterans transition into meaningful jobs in their local communities.
This fall we’re bringing together leaders in business, education and government to find collaborative ways to improve civic participation.

We’re pushing for regulatory and legislative changes to make it easier for businesses to go public, and stay public.
We’re working alongside the SEC and Congress to bring real transparency and oversight to proxy advisory firms and reform the shareholder voting process.
And we’re creating tools to ensure those advancing inaccurate or misleading views about the Chamber and its members are held accountable—so that the facts are clear, and the record is set straight.

We’re pushing for a fair legal system at both the federal and state levels that upholds justice and puts all Americans on solid ground.
We’re working hard to avoid policy missteps that could lead us into a possible recession.
And we’re at the forefront of the collaboration between business and government to ensure cyber attacks don’t undermine our economy.

We’re scoring lawmakers based on their votes and leadership on legislation that reaches across the aisle on bipartisan measures.
And we’re motivating legislators to work together to rebuild a political center and restore responsible policy making.