The Chamber advocates for antitrust laws that benefit all consumers and businesses and do not target specific companies or industries.

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With the trial phase of the United States v. Google case complete, the court must now focus on determining a remedy that addresses specific unfair practices without stifling competition.
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Antitrust laws ensure competition in free and open markets, which is the foundation of any vibrant, diverse, and dynamic economy. Healthy market competition benefits consumers through lower prices, higher quality products and services, more choices, and greater innovation.
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FTC response to a Chamber FOIA request on Chair Lina Khan's previous employment as a Legal Fellow at the FTC.
This Key Vote Alert! letter was sent to the Members of the U.S. House of Representatives, opposing H.R. 3843, the "Merger Filing Fee Modernization Act"
Congress never envisioned the FTC to serve as the morality police over the market. Lina Khan thinks otherwise.
Given the American Innovation and Choice Online Act’s numerous and significant flaws, it is no wonder that there is a range of diverse voices who oppose its passage.
Rather than economics, the FTC’s complaint against Meta seems grounded in the malleable concept of “potential future competition.” Here's why the business community should be concerned.
A new poll reveals that voters oppose Congressional proposals to add new antitrust regulations for technology companies, and a majority of voters are more likely to oppose candidates who support such regulations.
Voters less likely to support candidates that vote for the American Innovation and Choice Online Act
Beer and other alcohol markets are exploding with competition and new competitors; yet, the Biden Administration wants to exert a heavy-hand in micromanaging these markets.
Lawsuit seeks transparency and accountability from the FTC
In a rush to address soaring meat prices, Congress is considering several bills that would dramatically expand the federal government’s role and ultimately harm consumers.