Diane Probst, IOM, CCE
  • Creator and Founder, Diane Probst LLC - Chamberology

Diane Probst, IOM, CCE is a legend in the Chamber industry, having led her state association as Chairman of the Board, authored two books, and led a 5-star Chamber through it all. Her books address “Chamber Basics” and lessons learned after a devastating hurricane hit her community.

It all happened at the Rockport-Fulton Chamber of Commerce where she served as President/CEO for 32 years. Under her leadership, the Rockport-Fulton Chamber held accreditation status for 25 years, 15-plus years at the 5-star level. It was the third Chamber in Texas to receive a 5-star rating, and by far the smallest community.

Probst holds a BBA in Marketing from Texas A&M University. She is a graduate of the U.S. Chamber’s Institute for Organization Management, and is a Certified Chamber Executive by the Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives. She also completed economic development courses at Texas A&M University, and the University of Oklahoma’s Center for Chamber of Commerce Excellence Program. Probst was chairman of the Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives (TCCE) in 2008, and is the recipient of the 2012 Marvin Hurley Award, TCCE’s highest honor.

She published her first book Chamberology in 2014 and her second, When The Storm Comes: Lessons Learned, in 2019, authored with her daughter, Alyssa Wilson. It offers organizations 10 areas to focus on after a disaster strikes their community.

Probst takes pride in inspiring a Chamber professional’s potential for building and maintaining a 5-star organization. She looks forward to teaching the Institute Session “Unleashing the Leader Within You” at the University of Wisconsin this summer.

She and her husband, Mike, have two daughters. Alyssa (Doug) Wilson and Ashlee (Cody) Lynch. They have six grandchildren, all under the age of eight.