John Lynch
  • Chief, US Department of Justice’s Criminal Division, Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section, U.S. Department of Justice

John Lynch entered the U.S. Department of Justice as an attorney through the Attorney General’s Honors Program in 1995 and has served in the Criminal Division at the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS) since 1997. John joined the Section as a Trial Attorney and served in several roles there before being named Chief in 2012. In addition to supervising approximately 45 attorneys and the CCIPS Cybercrime Laboratory, John regularly gives assistance and guidance to Department attorneys and law enforcement agents in a wide range of investigations and prosecutions. He has also advised senior Department officials on cybercrime, intellectual property, cryptocurrency, and cybersecurity policy and legislation. He served as member of the team negotiating the Budapest Convention, the first multilateral treaty on computer crime, for which the team received the Attorney General's Distinguished Service Award in 2002. John also received the Attorney General's John Marshall Award for Legal Advice in 2014 and a Presidential Rank Meritorious Executive Award in 2022, both in recognition of his leadership of CCIPS. A native of Western New York, John is a graduate of the University of Rochester and Cornell Law School.