
U.S. Supreme Court

Case Status

Docket Number


2018 Term

Oral Argument Date

April 22, 2019


Questions Presented

1. Does the statutory term “confidential” in FOIA Exemption 4 bear its ordinary meaning, thus requiring the Government to withhold all “commercial or financial information” that is confidentially held and not publicly disseminated—regardless of whether a party establishes substantial competitive harm from disclosure—which would resolve at least five circuit splits?

2. Alternatively, if the Court retains the substantial competitive-harm test, is that test satisfied when the requested information could be potentially useful to a competitor (as the First and Tenth Circuits have held), or must the party opposing disclosure establish with near certainty a defined competitive harm like lost market share (as the Ninth and D.C. Circuits have held, and as the Eighth Circuit required here)?

Case Updates


June 24, 2019

The Supreme Court held that the Freedom of Information Act’s (FOIA) exemption for “confidential” business information provided to the government is not limited to information that would cause competitive harm if disclosed. This decision upends several decades of unfavorable D.C. Circuit precedent that made it more difficult for companies to prevent the disclosure of business information submitted to the government. The Chamber urged the Court to take this case at the cert. stage and filed a brief at the merits stage supporting this result.

Background: Argus Leader Media filed a FOIA request with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), seeking the names and addresses of all retail stores that participate in the national food-stamp program. The USDA refused to disclose this data, invoking FOIA’s exemption for private commercial and financial information that is “confidential.” In response, Argus Leader sued the USDA to get the information. After the district court ordered disclosure, the Food Marketing Institute, an association (C100) representing grocery retailers, intervened and appealed. The Eighth Circuit affirmed, holding that FOIA’s exemption for “confidential” business information does not apply because disclosure would not cause the retailers substantial competitive harm.

Opinion: The Supreme Court reversed in a 6-3 opinion written by Justice Gorsuch. At the time of FOIA’s enactment, the Court explained, the term “confidential” simply meant “private” or “secret.” As a result, the statute does not include a “competitive harm” requirement. Where commercial or financial information is both customarily and actually treated as private by its owner and provided to the government under an assurance of privacy, the information is “confidential” within the FOIA exemption’s meaning. The food-stamp information at issue satisfies both conditions because the grocery retailers customarily do not disclose store-level data or make it publicly available. And to induce retailers to participate in the food-stamp program, the government has long promised retailers that it will keep their information private.

U.S. Chamber leads coalition merits-stage amicus brief urging Supreme Court to reject narrow interpretation of FOIA exemption that protects confidential commercial information

February 22, 2019

Click here to view the Chamber’s amicus brief. The Chamber also filed an amicus brief at the cert. stage urging the Supreme Court to grant review.

John Elwood of Vinson & Elkins LLP served as co-counsel for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce on behalf of the U.S. Chamber Litigation Center.

Cert. petition granted

January 11, 2019

U.S. Chamber files amicus brief urging Supreme Court to grant cert. and reject narrow interpretation of FOIA exemption that protects confidential commercial information

November 14, 2018

Click here to view the Chamber’s amicus brief.

John P. Elwood of Vinson & Elkins LLP served as co-counsel for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce on behalf of the U.S. Chamber Litigation Center.

Case Documents
