
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

Case Status

Oral Argument Date

February 05, 2018


Case Updates

Ninth Circuit sides with Chamber in challenge to Seattle’s ordinance authorizing unionization of independent contractors

May 11, 2018

In a unanimous opinion, the Court ruled that Seattle could not claim immunity from federal antitrust law because the State of Washington had not clearly anticipated Seattle’s unprecedented ordinance and would not have actively supervised the unionization scheme. As a result, the City’s ordinance is unlawful unless the City can show that the price-fixing authorized by the statute is somehow consistent with by federal antitrust principles.

Injunction granted in challenge of Seattle drivers’ union ordinance

September 08, 2017

Click here to view the order.

City of Seattle files Ninth Circuit appeal of preliminary injunction of Seattle drivers' union ordinance

May 03, 2017

The City of Seattle filed a preliminary injunction appeal in the Ninth Circuit. This is another stage of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce litigation challenging a Seattle ordinance that authorizes union organizing of for-hire drivers working as independent contractors, highlighting that the ordinance will burden innovation, increase prices, and reduce quality and services for consumers.

Case Documents
