
National Labor Relations Board

Case Status


Docket Number



Case Updates

NLRB considers class action waivers in non-union arbitration agreement

May 10, 2010

The General Counsel's office of the National Labor Relations Board agreed that a company's conflict resolution program, which contains a mandatory arbitration policy, does not violate an employee's Section 7 rights.

U.S. Chamber files additional amicus letter

June 19, 2009

Click here to view the Chamber's second amicus letter.


June 30, 2008

The National Labor Relations Board dismissed a charge alleging that a mandatory arbitration procedure that prohibits the arbitrator from certifying claims as a class action violates Section 8 of the National Labor Relations Act. The Board concluded that as long as the agreement permits the filing of joint claims, the arbitration provision would not deny substantive Section 7 rights under the Act.

U.S. Chamber files amicus letter

January 23, 2008

NCLC filed an amicus letter urging the National Labor Relations Board to reject the argument that a company's conflict resolution program, which contains a mandatory arbitration policy, violates an employee's Section 7 rights because it could prohibit consolidation of claims and class actions. NCLC argued that while employees have the right to discuss their grievances, seek other counsel and pursue grievances in arbitration, they do not have a Section 7 right to have their claim proceed as a class action in arbitration. The procedures governing private arbitration are determined by the contract between the employer and the employee, and the limitation on class action is a limitation by the parties on the authority of the arbitrator only.

Case Documents
