U.S. Supreme Court
Case Status
Docket Number
2021 Term
Lower Court Opinion
Questions Presented
Whether workers who load or unload goods from vehicles that travel in interstate commerce, but do not physically transport such goods themselves, are interstate “transportation workers” exempt from the Federal Arbitration Act.
Case Updates
Supreme Court holds that airline baggage handlers who load cargo on and off planes are not covered by the Federal Arbitration Act because they fall within the statute’s exemption for transportation workers “engaged in interstate commerce”
June 06, 2022
Although the Litigation Center filed an amicus brief opposing this result, the Court agreed in some respects with the Chamber’s narrow reading of the exemption.
U.S. Chamber urges Supreme Court that the exemption in section 1 of the Federal Arbitration Act for certain transportation workers applies narrowly to those whose work centers on transporting goods across state or foreign boundaries
January 31, 2022
Click here to view the coalition amicus brief. Andrew J. Pincus, Archis A. Parasharami, Daniel E. Jones, and Carmen N. Longoria-Green of Mayer Brown LLP and the U.S. Chamber’s Litigation Center served as co-counsel for the U.S. Chamber.
Case Documents
- Opinion -- Saxon v. Southwest Airlines Co. (Seventh Circuit).pdf
- U.S. Chamber Coalition Amicus Brief -- Southwest Airlines Co. v. Saxon (Supreme Court).pdf