
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit

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Eighth Circuit affirms district court ruling dismissing ERISA claims

August 03, 2018

Click here to view the opinion.

U.S. Chamber files amicus brief urging Eighth Circuit to affirm district court ruling dismissing ERISA claims

October 27, 2017

The U.S. Chamber, American Benefits Council, and The ERISA Industry Committee filed an amicus brief in an Eighth Circuit case in which plaintiffs alleged that plan fiduciaries breached their fiduciary duties under ERISA by offering proprietary funds that underperformed and were too expensive. The Chamber’s brief argued that the plaintiffs’ allegations were insufficient to support a claim for fiduciary breach and the district court correctly dismissed the complaint.

Patrick C. DiCarlo of Alston & Bird LLP served as co-counsel for the amici.

Case Documents

