
U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit

Case Status

Docket Number



Case Updates

First Circuit further entrenches circuit split on burden of proof on causation in breach of fiduciary duty cases under ERISA, reversing district court judgment in favor of Putnam Investments

October 15, 2018

Click here to view the opinion.

U.S. Chamber urges First Circuit to affirm decision holding that ERISA plaintiffs failed to meet their loss-causation burden

January 17, 2018

Click here to view the amicus brief filed by the U.S. Chamber, American Benefits Council, Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association.

William M. Jay, Jaime A. Santos, James O. Fleckner, and Alison V. Douglass of Goodwin Procter LLP served as co-counsel for the amici.

Case Documents

