
California Supreme Court

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Case Updates


July 13, 2007

The California Court of Appeal rejected NCLC’s recommendation that it affirm the trial court’s decision.

U.S. Chamber files amicus brief

February 08, 2007

NCLC urged the appellate court to affirm the trial court’s decision to dismiss this case on statute of limitations grounds. California’s False Claims Act limits filing of complaints based on information discovered more than three years previous to the time of filing. That bar references “the official of the state or political subdivision charged with responsibility to act in the circumstances” as the individual subject to this discovery rule. The private relator in this case argues that he is not such an individual and therefore is subject instead to the ten-year statute of repose. In its brief, NCLC contended that the private relator sues in the name of the state and is therefore subject to the same limitations period.

Case Documents
