
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit

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Case dismissed

May 01, 2017

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U.S. Chamber asks Eighth Circuit to reject personal-jurisdiction-by-joinder theory

September 16, 2016

In an amicus brief filed in the Eighth Circuit, the U.S. Chamber and Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America urged the court to reverse a district court’s ruling confusing fundamental concepts of personal jurisdiction. Namely, the district court exercised specific personal jurisdiction over claims brought by out-of-state plaintiffs that have nothing to do with the forum state simply because they were joined with the claims of in-state plaintiffs.

The Chamber’s brief argued that this personal-jurisdiction-by-joinder theory violates due process because it does not require that a defendant’s conduct related to the claim bare a substantial connection with the forum. Moreover, the brief explained that allowing out-of-state plaintiffs to obtain specific personal jurisdiction through joinder harms businesses and courts, and also violates basic principles of federalism.

Andrew J. Pincus, Archis A. Parasharami, Matthew A. Waring, and Donald M. Falk of Mayer Brown LLP served as co-counsel for the amici.

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