
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit

Case Status

Docket Number



Case Updates


June 02, 2020

The Third Circuit certified the question to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, asking the state’s high court to determine whether an e-commerce business is strictly liable under Pennsylvania law for a defective product purchased from a third-party vendor through the e-commerce business’ online marketplace. The U.S. and Pennsylvania Chambers filed an amicus briefing urging the Third Circuit to recognize that Pennsylvania law does not impose strict liability to the e-commerce business in this circumstance.

U.S. and PA Chambers file amicus brief urging en banc Third Circuit to reverse panel decision that expanded strict liability torts to online market places contrary to limits on strict liability set by Pennsylvania courts

October 24, 2019

Click here to view the brief filed jointly by the U.S. Chamber and the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry.

Colin E. Wrabley, James M. Beck, and James F. Segroves of Reed Smith LLP served as co-counsel for the amici.

Case Documents
