
California Supreme Court

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California appeals court reverses post-sale duty to warn verdict

April 22, 2010

A California appeals court reversed a trial court judgment against Wm. Powell Company for not warning customers about asbestos in products added to the company’s valves post-sale. The court reversed a $21 million verdict and remanded the case with instructions to vacate the judgment and enter a new judgment in favor of Wm. Powell Company.

U.S. Chamber files amicus brief

January 18, 2010

NCLC urged a California appeals court to reverse a trial court judgment against Wm. Powell Company for failing to warn about asbestos in products added to the company’s valves post-sale. In its brief, NCLC argued that a manufacturer’s duty to warn is limited to its own products, and Wm. Powell Company’s valves did not contain asbestos. NCLC also noted that recent out-of-state cases reject a duty to warn, and that imposition of a duty requirement would exacerbate the asbestos litigation crisis facing California.

Case Documents
