
March 31, 2024


How do I schedule meetings with members of Congress during a fly-in trip?

First, think about which legislators you want to meet with and what issues you want to discuss. You can find your Representative based on your zip code or your U.S. Senators based on your state.

Contact the legislators’ offices to request a meeting. You can find information about how to contact Members’ offices in Washington, D.C. and in their home state districts through the Senate office directory and House office directory.

If your Senator(s) or Representative is unavailable, consider requesting a meeting with a member of their staff. Congressional staffers often have excellent insight into the specific issues under consideration in Congress, so meeting with staff is worthwhile.

How do I schedule a speaker from the White House Administration?

To invite a speaker from the White House to your event, you can contact the White House Office of Public Engagement by submitting a request through their website. Or you can call 202-456-1414 and ask to speak with someone in the Office of Public Engagement. Be sure to submit your request as early as possible – most requests are made months in advance.

How do I reserve meeting space at the Capitol Visitors Center?

Request meeting space at the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center (CVC) by contacting your Congressional Representative’s office. The CVC has a policy in place for the use of meeting rooms and spaces. Requests for the use of any space in the CVC must be made by a current Member of the U.S. Congress or an Officer of Congress. Requests are processed on a first come, first served basis. Event space requests may be made up to a maximum of 4 months in advance. CVC room requests by Members and Officers on behalf of external groups may take up to 15 business days to process. Please keep this timing in mind when planning your event. Space is only available for events that have a clear connection to Congressional legislative business.

How do I coordinate a tour of the U.S. Capitol?

To coordinate a tour of the U.S. Capitol, you can visit the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center’s website and fill out the online form to reserve a tour. Alternatively, you can contact the Facilities Management Division at 651-201-2300 to make a reservation. To coordinate a tour of the U.S. Capitol through your member of Congress, you can contact their office directly.

How do I schedule a tour of the White House?

To schedule a tour of the White House, you can submit a request through your Member of Congress and their Congressional Tour Coordinator. You can reach out to your Member of Congress and Congressional Tour Coordinator through the U.S. House of Representatives Switchboard at 202-225-3121, the U.S. Senate Switchboard at 202-224-3121, or online at

Public tour requests must be submitted a minimum of 21 days in advance and no more than 90 days in advance of the requested tour date(s). Reservations cannot be accepted for tour dates outside this 21-90 day window. If your tour is confirmed, please note that you will be assigned a specific time. All White House tours are free of charge. The White House tour schedule is subject to change, with little notice, based on inclement weather or official use.

How do I schedule a tour of the Library of Congress?

To schedule a tour of the Library of Congress, you can contact the Visitor Services Office at (202) 707-8000 or email them at to arrange a special docent-led tour. These tours must be prearranged by calling the Visitor Services Office or emailing them.

How do I schedule meetings with federal departments and agencies?

To schedule meetings with federal agencies, including the Department of Commerce, Department of Labor, Department of Transportation, Department of Education, and U.S. Customs and Border Protection, you can contact the respective departments directly.

Please note that scheduling meetings with federal departments may require a significant amount of time and effort. It is recommended that you plan ahead and be prepared to provide detailed information about the purpose of your meeting and the topics you wish to discuss.

How do I book a U.S. Chamber speaker for my fly-in event?

To book a speaker from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for your fly-in event, you can request a Washington Fly-In Briefing. The briefing will be tailored specifically to your business priorities and provides access to top U.S. Chamber policy and advocacy experts.

Prior to your briefing, you will need to provide your full fly-in agenda, legislative priorities/issue details, and an attendee list with contact information.

Alternatively, you can reach out to Grace Millerick, Senior Manager, Federation Relations and Grassroots Advocacy at to inquire about booking a speaker for your event.