
August 20, 2024


Institute for Organization Management is the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s professional development program for association, chamber, and other nonprofit executives. Since 1921, Institute has educated past, current, and future leaders from across the country, making it one of oldest and best regarded adult education programs in nonprofit management.

Here are the top 5 reasons why you should attend Institute:

  1. Expert Faculty
    Institute's intensive coursework is taught by passionate leaders from various backgrounds, including executives of associations, chambers of commerce, and nonprofits; industry consultants; lawyers and CPAs; and professors. Our faculty will share real-world problem-solving solutions that will have you reinvigorated and prepared to tackle your greatest challenges, no matter the size.
  2. Credibility
    Graduates of Institute receive the IOM Institute will be invaluable moving forward. recognition, signifying 96 hours of course instruction in nonprofit management. The IOM recognition sends your peers the message that you're a reputable professional that actively participates in the nonprofit industry and its surrounding communities. IOM graduates are encouraged to add the IOM recognition after their name in all communications and virtual signatures.
  3. Networking, Networking, Networking!
    Institute is a great opportunity to meet your peers and establish a strong network of other industry professionals. Each site features opportunities for casual conversation and building relationships.
  4. Return on Investment
    The Institute curriculum will assist and educate executives who represent their community on local, state, and national issues. The knowledge gained through your time spent at Credibility. Graduates of Institute receive the IOM Institute will be invaluable moving forward.
  5. Earn Credit Toward Your CAE & CCE Professional Certifications
    Institute's curriculum is directly tied to the bodies of knowledge of the CAE and CCE, allowing you to earn credits or points to earn or maintain your industry certification.

Find out more

Institute has 4 sites across the country each year. Find one close to you and take your nonprofit career to the next level.