- Through Dow’s 2025 Sustainability Goal on World-Leading Operations Performance, it is committed to driving environmental benefits for its communities and the world. The company continues to actively:
- Through its 2025 Sustainability Goal on Leading the Blueprint, Dow did the following:
- Dow is an original member of the Financial Stability Board’s Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD). The company began implementing the TCFD’s recommendations with its 2016 Sustainability Report and is working to implement additional recommendations in other disclosures.
- Dow is pursuing innovative chemical processes to deliver significant changes in emissions intensity for its operations and for others once fully commercialized, likely around 2030.
- Dow Packaging and Performance Plastics launched in 2018 a renewable energy-made polyethylene in the U.S. that has 13.8% fewer greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per pound of product than the industry average polyethylene. This approach helps reduce Scope 3 emissions for customers.
- Dow received two Environmental Leadership Program Awards from the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality. Projects receiving honors were Plaquemine Operations Off-gas Regeneration of Purification Beds and St. Charles Site Hydrogen (H2) Optimization. The latter was named an Exceptional Merit winner as part of the American Chemistry Council's (ACC’s) Responsible Care Energy Efficiency Awards. Collectively, the projects reduced Dow’s carbon footprint by 145,000 tons of CO2, the equivalent of approximately 28,000 passenger vehicles driven for a year. Dow has won an ACC Energy Efficiency award each of the last seven years.
- As the Official Carbon Partner of the International Olympic Committee, Dow is delivering a carbon mitigation program to reduce emissions from the IOC’s daily operations, as well as infrastructure enhancements in host cities to deliver climate benefits well beyond the Olympic Games.
For more information, please visit https://corporate.dow.com/en-us/science-and-sustainability/reporting.