Jacobs Engineering has been recognized by the Environmental Business Journal as a market leader in climate adaptation, technology, resilience, and sustainable infrastructure.
- Jacobs has committed to reduce travel-related carbon emissions 20% by 2022. Other PlanBeyond information is here: https://jacobsconnect.jacobs.com/community/company/sustainability
- Operationally, in fiscal year 2018, Jacobs eliminated more than 37 million tons of carbon equivalents from client projects worldwide.
- Jacobs has numerous on-the-ground examples of providing resilience tools and services, such as risk and vulnerability assessments and cost-benefit analysis to safeguard water and wastewater infrastructure assets against present day and future flooding and sea level-rise. Project examples include:
- The company is implementing resilience and infrastructure hardening projects, including supporting FEMA Response and Recovery Programs in the aftermath of disasters, providing financial management, emergency management, and technical assistance. Examples:
- The firm worked on the Rockaways Boardwalk, Reconstruction Post Hurricane Sandy, New York City, and the Detroit Future City Open Space Funding Program, Michigan, to increase flood protection, create beach replenishment, provide access points along the shorelines, and other post-disaster mitigation efforts.
- Climate Leadership Award – https://www.jacobs.com/newsroom/news/greenhouse-gas-management-achievement-earns-climate-leadership-award
- Other Env Business Awards – https://www.jacobs.com/newsroom/news/jacobs-recognized-11-business-achievement-awards-environmental-and-climate-change
- Kiribati Island – climate adaptation project example – industry leading example – https://www.jacobs.com/news/106/jacobs-presents-sea-level-rise-strategy-at-united-nations-climate-change-conference
For more information, visit https://jacobsconnect.jacobs.com/community/company/sustainability