Despite our repeated efforts to set the record straight on the issue, U.S. Senators Charles Schumer and Sheldon Whitehouse’s latest opinion piece in the Boston Globe advances a false narrative about our organization. It repeats debunked and dishonest assertions that do not accurately reflect the Chamber’s current policy position on climate change.
Here’s a breakdown of what the piece gets wrong:

MISLEADING: The Chamber supports action on climate change. We believe the climate is changing and humans are contributing to these changes. We lay out our position on our website and engage our members through multiple initiatives, including our new Task Force on Climate Action. We support a number of legislative proposals that will take proactive steps to address climate change.

WRONG: The Chamber represents the interests of more than 3 million businesses of all sizes, sectors, and regions including mom-and-pop shops and local chambers. Read more about our Small Business Council here.

WRONG: The Chamber advocates on behalf of all American businesses in support of policies that will ensure that the American economy and people will prosper.

CORRECTION:According to Open Secrets, the National Association of Realtors is the “next biggest group.” A quick look at the data from 2019, 2018, and 2017 shows their claim about our spending being “three times more” is way off the mark.

WRONG:The Chamber has endorsed and sent letters to Capitol Hill supporting numerous pieces of climate legislation this year. In July, we sent a letter supporting 13 bipartisan proposals that would “enhance America’s global competitiveness and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.” In fact, we have endorsed the Clean Industrial Technology Act of 2019, sponsored by Sen. Whitehouse.

MISLEADING: The Chamber is in full compliance with the law. We have always fulfilled our responsibilities in disclosing our lobbying and political activities.

Like many grassroots groups, trade associations, and other organizations, we respect the privacy of our members and do not publicly identify them. This practice adheres strictly to the law as set forth by Congress.
And for the record, we reached out to the Boston Globe on these inaccuracies and mistakes. Despite our efforts, they responded and declined to issue any correction.