Emily Heaslip


About Emily

Emily is a versatile freelance copywriter who writes for brands and agencies in tech, finance, and fashion. She is currently based in Cape Town and spends her free time running around Table Mountain.


How to Create an Onboarding Process (Without an HR Department)

Onboarding without a human resources (HR) department takes a little initial effort but can easily be replicated as you crank up your hiring.

6 Annual Employee Documents

While most of the required paperwork will be completed during employee onboarding, there are some forms and policies employees should re-sign every year.

Ways to Support Your Local Chamber of Commerce

Here are some ideas for celebrating October 18, National Support Your Local Chamber of Commerce Day.

Why Your Small Business Might Need Shipping Insurance

Shipping insurance can be a lifesaver if an expensive item you’ve shipped goes missing, but it might not make sense for local deliveries.

6 AI Photo and Graphic Design Tools

These artificial intelligence tools can help you improve the quality of images, graphics, and icons you use to convey your brand’s personality.

Cybersecurity: How to Protect Employee Data

Employee information is a recent target in hacking attempts and data breaches. Here’s how to protect your team’s personal data.

How to Offer Delivery at Your Business

Local delivery comes with many initial startup costs, but offering it could boost your sales by as much as 20%.

5 Fun Onboarding Activities for New Hires

These onboarding activities help your new hires get to know the rest of the team and integrate with the company culture.

How Small Businesses Can Maximize the Benefits of Delivery Apps

Delivery apps are extremely popular with consumers, and they can work for small businesses across market categories, too.

A New Hire Onboarding Checklist

Onboarding can take more time than you might anticipate, but investing in the process can lead to better employee retention and satisfaction.