Emily Heaslip


About Emily

Emily is a versatile freelance copywriter who writes for brands and agencies in tech, finance, and fashion. She is currently based in Cape Town and spends her free time running around Table Mountain.


How to Use Meta Threads: A Guide for Small Business

Threads, the new app from Meta, is described by experts as a lighter version of X (formerly Twitter) with a few compelling features.

Best LinkedIn KPIs to Track in 2023

LinkedIn has become an invaluable tool for sales professionals, recruiters, entrepreneurs, and job seekers, with important data points for every user.

4 TikTok Tips for Small Businesses

TikTok trends are always changing. Here’s how to make sure your content stays fresh no matter what’s in style.


TikTok for Business: How to Make Videos That Drive Sales

While TikTok is one of the newer social video platforms, the service has many millions of users in the U.S. Businesses can use these tips to connect with them.

How LinkedIn's SSI Score Can Boost Your Sales Strategy

The Social Selling Index (SSI) score is a key indicator that can help you learn how well you’re connecting with sales prospects through LinkedIn.

How to Automate Your E-commerce Business

E-commerce automation allows your business to run more efficiently without adding overhead. It should be guided by the needs of your team.

VPN Software Options for Digital Security

These VPN software options are affordable, essential tools to secure your valuable company information.

Omnichannel vs. Multichannel Sales Strategies

Understand how multichannel vs. omnichannel sales strategies can help your business improve the customer experience.

5 Most Popular Types of Video Content

If you know you need to create more videos, but you’re searching for some fresh ideas, start with these five types of video content.

5 Elements of a Great Small Business Newsletter

A newsletter is an easy way to stay in touch with customers and continuously engage subscribers with your company news.