Emily Heaslip


About Emily

Emily is a versatile freelance copywriter who writes for brands and agencies in tech, finance, and fashion. She is currently based in Cape Town and spends her free time running around Table Mountain.


What Are Security Patches and Why Are They Important for Your Business?

Security patches are a regular and simple way to ensure your devices, software, and apps are equipped against the latest online threats.

Cybersecurity Monitoring and Alerting: How To Know if You're at Risk

Regularly testing and updating your cybersecurity tools can help ensure you spot a vulnerability before a cybercriminal does.


Why You Should Consider Hiring the Year

Amid a tight labor market, hiring remains a key way to gain a competitive advantage.


Big Hiring Trends for 2023

Amid economic fears and a job market that favors candidates, here are top trends that will impact hiring.

Tips for Assigning Deadlines and Workloads to Your Employees

Monitor each employee’s capacity and set clear project timelines to make sure work is delegated fairly.

How to Give Your Employees More Autonomy

Autonomy can drive higher engagement and productivity at work, but don’t confuse autonomy with flexibility.

How to Recognize Burnout Culture at Your Business

Glamorizing the grind can quickly cause workers to burn out and impact morale. Here’s how to avoid instilling a burnout culture in your company.


Top Social Media Trends for Businesses

Social media has grown from a place where friends and family can keep in touch to an invaluable tool for businesses and consumers alike.


Email Marketing Trends That Work for Small Businesses

Email marketing remains a core component of most communications strategies. Here’s what’s new in the world of email marketing for small businesses.


How to Write Clickable Headlines for Your Content

Clickable headlines can be somewhat difficult to craft. These tips can help you get the formula right for every piece of content you post.