Emily Heaslip


About Emily

Emily is a versatile freelance copywriter who writes for brands and agencies in tech, finance, and fashion. She is currently based in Cape Town and spends her free time running around Table Mountain.


How to Cross-Link in Your Content to Improve Search Ranking

Internal cross-linking helps Google’s algorithms understand how pages on your site relate to one another and which pages are most important.

What Is Payroll-as-a-Service?

Payroll-as-a-service is a convenient way to outsource payroll tax reporting and withholding and ensure that your team is paid on time.

Emerging Tech Trends Small Businesses Should Pay Attention To

AI is driving the biggest tech trends that small business owners should be tracking over the coming months.

What Is Third-Party Data?

Third-party data is more comprehensive than other data types and can help you identify new audiences.

How to Use Marketing Automation to Grow Your Small Business

Marketing automation can help your marketing team work more productively and collaborate with sales to drive growth.

What Are Marketing Automation Tools?

Marketing automation tools help your business reach customers faster and easier, taking on the routine tasks that often eat into your workday.

How to Get to Know Your Following Better

The makeup of your social media followers may change as your account gains traction. Here's how to check in and get to know your followers better.

Marketing Tools for Influencers

These marketing tools can help influencers sign more clients and monetize their social media channels.

Free Digital Marketing Tools Every Small Business Can Use

These free digital marketing tools boost your visibility at no cost to your bottom line.

Do You Need a Business Logo?

Yes, all brands need logos, but the importance of a logo is often overstated. Here's how to approach the logo design process with the right level of expectation.