Emily Heaslip


About Emily

Emily is a versatile freelance copywriter who writes for brands and agencies in tech, finance, and fashion. She is currently based in Cape Town and spends her free time running around Table Mountain.


5 Ways to Admit Mistakes to Employees

When you make a mistake or change your mind, take ownership of the situation and make a plan.

How to 'Fail Upward'

"Failing up" is a concept that has had negative connotations in the past. Today’s entrepreneurs are changing the way we think about failing up to embrace innovation.

SMART Goals to Calculate Business Success

Setting a SMART goal and tracking the right metrics are the first steps toward monitoring business success.

How to Learn from Failure

Failure happens fairly regularly in growing businesses. Embracing setbacks can help keep morale high and spark opportunities to innovate.


Guide to Using Microlending to Fund a Business

Microloans often come with coaching and mentorship to help your business get off the ground successfully.

3 Reasons Small Businesses Fail (How to Avoid Them)

Small businesses fail at an alarmingly high rate. Here’s how to mitigate the risks that all new ventures face.

5 Ways NFTs Can Benefit Your Small Business

Nonfungible tokens aren’t just for artists. Small business owners can turn this new technology into a business opportunity.


The Pros and Cons of Accepting Cryptocurrency as Payment

As cryptocurrency becomes more mainstream, here’s what business owners need to consider before offering this payment option to customers.

A Beginner's Guide to NFTs

NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are a promising — though speculative — technology that’s evolving quickly. Here’s what to know about NFTs.

Top Social Media Recruiting Tips and Strategies

Social media can be used to expand your applicant pool, boost your employer brand, and reach qualified candidates.