Certifying Your Business

A certification from a well-known organization can give your business access to exclusive opportunities. If your business meets certain criteria, here are some resources for getting certified.

Diverse Business Certifications

Many certifying bodies exist to help businesses owned by women, minorities, veterans, and other underserved groups get a leg up. Learn more about these special certifications and how companies can better support diversity, equity, and inclusion in their local business communities.


How to Get Ahead in the Off-Season

In this edition of “Ask the Board,” we asked America’s Top Small Business honoree Aquila’s Nest Vineyards how small businesses can succeed during the off-season.

Small Business Update With Neil Bradley—January 2024

Experts share tips for small businesses facing a labor shortage and discuss new tax regulations in a growing yet uncertain economy.

Full-Time Employees Vs. Independent Contractors: What’s the Difference?

Many small businesses engage independent contractors to provide services to their companies. Determining whether an employee can be classified as an independent contractor can be confusing.

5 Ways to Boost Employee Creativity

A creative work environment fosters more innovation and business growth. Here are five ways to encourage workplace creativity.

6 Ways to Empower Employees in the Workplace

Empowered employees are more creative, resourceful, and happy at work. Learn six strategies for empowering your employees.

When to Choose Equity or Debt to Fund Your Business Goals

Debt and equity are both great ways to fund your business goals, but timing is everything in determining which option to leverage next.

How to Know Whether You Need a Loan for Your SMB

Loans can help you grow your business, but they should be used strategically to avoid putting your company at financial risk.

Pros and Cons of Buy Now, Pay Later for Small Businesses

Buy now, pay later is a popular payment option among consumers, but does it benefit businesses, too?

How to Put Employee Ideas Into Action

One great idea can change the trajectory of your company. Here are five ways to put employee ideas into action.

Black Entrepreneurs’ Best Advice on Success

These 18 quotes from Black business owners can inspire other founders of color who want to create and sustain a successful business.