JOIN US! CO—100 Small Business Forum Virtual | In Person, October 8

CO— Roadmap for Rebuilding: Diversifying Your Revenue

Generating income from multiple sources is the best way to secure your business's financial future. Here's what you need to know about diversifying your revenue and setting yourself up for success.

Securing Multiple Revenue Streams

Every business needs steady revenue, but are you prepared if your primary source of income dries up? Learn how to successfully diversify your revenue streams and develop different types of offering to keep your cash flow strong.


Top Alternatives to the Myers-Briggs Personality Test

If you’re looking for an alternative to the Myers-Briggs test, these five personality tests are good options.

What Is a Business Valuation and How Do You Calculate It?

There are multiple ways to find the economic value of your business, with different calculations that can be used for different purposes.

Making Sales Calls Virtually: Best Practices for Small Businesses

Remote selling is here to stay. Meet your quota using these virtual sales tips.

How to Estimate How Much Inventory You Need

Getting your inventory levels right is a tricky balance. Here are some ways to estimate how much inventory you need on hand without overstocking.

Yelp Expands Its Ad Targeting and Messaging Features for Small Businesses

The changes are designed to give businesses more control over their Yelp pages and more opportunities to reach high-value customers.

How to Create a Positive Hybrid Office Culture

As companies begin to transition to hybrid work models, here’s how to create a positive culture for your team.

Startups Capitalize on a Work-From-Home Future

Businesses offering tools to connect off-site employees find themselves with the right product at the right time.

What Is Cost of Goods Sold?

This important metric can be tricky to calculate, but it is a crucial part of growing your business sustainably.

Terms You Should Know Before Pitching Investors

Walk the walk and talk the talk to get on the same page as potential investors and make your opportunity sound exciting.

Must-Have Technologies for a Brand New Business

When launching a startup, having the right tech tools in place can help set you up for success. Here are five must-have technologies for a brand new business.