CO— Roadmap for Rebuilding: Protecting Business Data and Assets

In today's world of ever-evolving cyber threats, businesses must be prepared to protect their digital assets. Here's what you need to know about securing your business data.

Keep Your Business Data Safe

Cybersecurity should be top of mind for every business, but smaller companies may be at greater risk than large enterprises with bigger security budgets and resources. Learn what you can do to protect yourself and your sensitive business data from cyber threats.

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Hope for the best. Prepare for the worst.
Disasters don’t just happen during hurricane and tornado season. This tax season — and year round — be sure to take steps to protect your data and your business from manmade (and natural) disasters and ransomware before the worst-case scenario occurs. Our free infographic can help get you started.
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Successful Startups Founded by Entrepreneurs Over 50

These nine flourishing startups were founded by entrepreneurs over the age of 50, which proves that success can come at any age.

How to Create Advancement Opportunities for Employees

Want to reduce turnover at your small business? Here’s how to help staff progress professionally.

How to Develop a Plan for Fractional Hiring

Fractional hiring takes some planning on the part of you and your team members. Here’s how to get started with fractional hiring.

How Sally Beauty Maximized Worker Productivity and Modernized Its Store Operations

The 5,000-store beauty supply retailer brought its payroll and store management systems into the digital age, yielding lessons for businesses large and small.

How to Welcome Employees Back to Work

Here are eight ways that business leaders can welcome their employees back to work in person and in the office.

How Startups Are Monetizing the Booming Food Waste Business

Tech platforms Misfits Market, Too Good to Go and Goodr connect food companies with opportunities to divert their waste and improve their bottom lines at the same time.

Best Pricing Models for Membership Businesses

Membership programs come in many different structures and pricing models. Find which one is right for your business.

How to Strategically Lower Prices at Your Business

Lowering prices seems straightforward, but if you do it strategically, you can attract more customers and benefit your business's bottom line.

Legal Issues to Know Before Offering a Sale or Coupon

Discount pricing is a great way to boost sales, as long as it doesn’t stray into the category of “deceptive pricing.”

How to Boost Engagement on Social Media: Small Business Guide

Brands constantly have to compete for attention on social media. Here’s how to boost engagement with your followers and make your business stand out.