JOIN US! CO—100 Small Business Forum Virtual | In Person, October 8

CO— Roadmap for Rebuilding: Protecting Business Data and Assets

In today's world of ever-evolving cyber threats, businesses must be prepared to protect their digital assets. Here's what you need to know about securing your business data.

Keep Your Business Data Safe

Cybersecurity should be top of mind for every business, but smaller companies may be at greater risk than large enterprises with bigger security budgets and resources. Learn what you can do to protect yourself and your sensitive business data from cyber threats.

A message from
Hope for the best. Prepare for the worst.
Disasters don’t just happen during hurricane and tornado season. This tax season — and year round — be sure to take steps to protect your data and your business from manmade (and natural) disasters and ransomware before the worst-case scenario occurs. Our free infographic can help get you started.
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What Is Recruitment Marketing? A Complete Guide

Marketing is a major part of recruitment. Here’s everything you should know about recruitment marketing.

Small Businesses Trends to Watch in 2020

Some trends come and go, but these eight changes in customer and employee behavior are here to stay. It’s time your business got on board.

Does Common Law Cover Intellectual Property?

Is your intellectual property protected under common law? The short answer: no. Make sure you protect your business’s valuable IP appropriately depending on what you own. 

How to Use Social Media for Public Relations

It’s important for businesses to think about how they can use social media as part of a their PR strategy. Here are six ways to use social media for public relations.

Strong Roots Takes Plant-Based Foods From Ireland to the US

The Irish food brand built a multi-million-dollar business in Ireland and the United Kingdom with its fresh approach to frozen vegetables. Now it’s looking to expand here.

How to Apply for a Business Grant

Funding your startup can be a challenge. Applying for a grant can take time but may give you that boost you need to launch or sustain your business.

Best Data Backup Solutions for Businesses

Losing sensitive company or customer information can be detrimental to the health of any business. Fortunately, backing up your data is a fairly simple process.

How to Start a Business in California

Opening a business in the Golden State? Here are a few reasons why you should start a business in California and some steps for getting started.

Goal Setting Strategies That Work: A Guide for Managers

Setting goals for your employees is important for staff retention and company morale. Here are some tips for success.

How Bed Bath & Beyond Keeps Its Pricing Strategy Competitive

The chief value optimization officer of the home chain discusses the task of melding data science with the art of merchandising—critical to surviving and thriving in an omnichannel shopping world.