RSVP:Join CEO of 1-800-GOT-JUNK? for a Masterclass on the Power of Failure

CO— Blueprint

Ongoing virtual events. A national discussion with a regional spotlight. CO— Blueprint is here every other week to help you chart your new path, draft your plan, and rebuild your business.

Rebuild. Recover. Reconnect.

Throughout this unprecedented year, small businesses have stood tall, pivoted and retooled their businesses to survive. Our series of CO— Blueprint events was designed with these challenges, and resulting innovations, in mind.

Thank you for attending the episodes in this virtual series, where our panelists of experts and small business owners shared their firsthand experiences, answered questions and provided informative and tangible insights about how to adapt, grow and show resilience in the face of change.

Watch Recaps of Past Events

Since the advent of the COVID-19 crisis, CO— has hosted a series of town halls and workshops to bring you tactical solutions for your most pressing business problems, take your questions and feedback, and continue to support you, your businesses, and your employees. Recaps from each event can be found below so you can catch up on what you may have missed.

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CO— Blueprint: Deepening Customer Relationships Through Technology

In our twelfth episode, the panel focuses on helping businesses create digital strategies to serve their customers effectively.

CO— Blueprint: Defending Your Business From Cyber Threats

In our eleventh episode of CO— Blueprint, the panel explains why small businesses are so vulnerable to cyberattacks and how they can defend themselves.

CO— Blueprint: Maximizing Your Online Sales

In our tenth episode of CO— Blueprint, the panel focuses on helping businesses take their e-commerce systems to a new level.