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How Small Businesses Can Offer 401K Plans

In this edition of “Ask the Board,” we asked Ben Thomason, executive vice president of revenue at Vestwell, if small businesses are in a position to offer workers a 401(k).

How Tech Startups Are Implementing Checkout-Free Platforms

Checkout-free retail is on the move. Amazon once had first-mover advantage, but a quartet of retail technology startups has leveled the playing field, taking innovation beyond the convenience store.

How Chubbies Uses Logistics to Encourage Business Success

Retro fashion disruptor learned to ‘flex on the fly’ when a marketing campaign generated an unexpected, off-the-charts response.

Interview With Little Spoons Founder

Little Spoons co-founder Michelle Muller fulfilled her own needs a mom by creating a startup, with the goal to reach other parents experiencing the same struggles.

Q&A With Founder of Girl Charlee Inc.

Heather Peterson, founder of Girl Charlee Inc., explains how she stumbled into entrepreneurship by creating solutions to her own needs.

5 Movies Every Entrepreneur Should Watch

Hollywood loves to recount the lives of famous entrepreneurs on the big screen. Here are the top five movies entrepreneurs should watch for inspiration.

Interview With Credo Beauty CEO Dawn Dobras

CEO Dawn Dobras on the ‘Whole Foods of beauty’s’ growth strategy amid heightened consumer demand for natural, eco-friendly cosmetics.

How to Decide Between Bootstrapping or Finding Investors

In this edition of “Ask the Board,” we ask George Deeb, founder of Red Rocket Ventures and managing member of Firestarter Fund, to explore different avenues for sourcing capital.

Business Lessons From the Stars of 'DC Cupcakes'

Sisters Katherine and Sophie have grown their brand Georgetown Cupcake into a thriving, multi-faceted business because they've embraced change and uncertainty.

Interview With Founder of Sharklet Technologies, Inc.

With a background in dental biomaterials and a swift imagination, Anthony Brennan, Ph.D., created a product that prevents bacterial growth on surfaces from Navy boats to Foley catheters.