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Best Practices for Recruiting and Retaining Employees

Hiring good employees plays an invaluable part in the success of a business. Here's how to successfully recruit, manage and develop your team.

Grow and Strengthen Your Team

Strong leadership is key to hiring, running, and nurturing a successful team. Get expert advice on how to attract, manage, and retain great employees.

5 Tips to Creating Inexpensive Business Graphics

Learn five simple tips to create inexpensive graphics for your business.

5 Licensing Lessons from The Multimillion-Dollar Smiley Company CEO

Nicolas Loufrani, who gave the iconic Smiley Face brand—now feting its 50th anniversary with designer collections in major department stores—a second life, shares insider tips to winning at licensing.

Tips for Creating a Great Business Logo

Your logo communicates a lot about your brand and the company you’re building. Learn the seven elements that make a great business logo.

6 Retail Store Layouts That Drive Sales

There are certain retail floor layouts that can elicit positive reactions from customers and drive sales. Here are six for you to consider.

10 Women-Owned Business Directories

Looking to increase your visibility as a women-owned business? Here are 10 directories for women-owned businesses you should join.

Top Supply Chain Tips from Inventory Management Experts

Experts from companies that support the flow of goods for Macy’s, Sephora, Dollar Tree, CVS and others highlight solutions to current challenges.

5 Costs Every Startup Should Plan For

Technology, permits and utilities are a few of the standard expenses for which virtually every new business needs to account.

What Are the Most Common Leadership Styles?

Discover some of the most common leadership styles business owners can adopt and what each looks like in action.

6 Online Learning Tools to Support Employee Development

Onboarding and training employees are integral parts of growing a small business. These six platforms can help make the process more effective.

What Is Mindful Leadership?

By practicing mindful leadership, managers may find that their team’s productivity increases and their employees feel more confident in their work.