Mastering the Customer Experience

In today's digital world, creating a unified customer experience across all touchpoints is more important than ever. Here's how to build customer service into every facet of your business.

Prioritizing Your Customers

A seamless and innovative customer service operation is essential for any modern business. Get expert advice on customer management strategies, systems, and technologies to help you deliver the best experience possible.


How to Change Your Zoom Background

Due to COVID-19, many companies have gone completely virtual and are using software like Zoom to conduct meetings. To customize your background in Zoom, here are the steps to follow.

Email Marketing: Easy Steps to Get You Started

An effective email marketing campaign can quickly boost sales if done correctly. Follow these 5 steps to get started.

COVID-19 Financial Relief Resources for 1099 Contractors

These resources, from SBA loans to industry-specific grants, are available to freelancers, self-employed workers or independent contractors who are struggling financially.

National Small Business Town Hall Inc. and U.S. Chamber Coronavirus Resources

The fourth installment of our National Small Business Town Hall from Inc. and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce took place April 17, and discussed the resources available to businesses in need of funding.

How to Host a Great Webinar

Webinars are a great way to engage a new audience as they are inexpensive, easy to produce and provide long-term marketing materials. Here is how to host a great webinar.

Cybersecurity Tips for Small Business Operating Remotely

As more employees shift to a remote work arrangement, small businesses should prioritize these cybersecurity practices.

Fashion Industry Adapts to Coronavirus Crisis

The fashion world must cooperate and keep all of the links in its supply chain intact to be able to recover from this crisis, industry experts say.

What Is Machine Learning?

Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence in which computer algorithms can detect and process data and learn through continuous experience with new data.

Famous Entrepreneurs Who Started Small

Everyone has to start somewhere, and many of the most successful entrepreneurs came from very humble beginnings. These entrepreneurs started out small, but grew their companies to national brands.

Small Business Tax Implications of Coronavirus Legislation

The CARES Act, PPP program and other federal programs designed to help businesses get through COVID-19 disruptions present many new tax questions.