[RSVP Now] Get expert tips for future proofing your business | Sept. 19

Welcome Back!

A guide to welcoming your customers and employees back to your business.

CO— is here to help.

We know that the concept of returning to work looks different for every business, so our goal is to provide small business owners like you with the resources, tips and tangible advice that you need to create the picture of what that looks like for your own unique needs.

How To Lead A Great Remote Meeting

Remote meetings can be tricky to manage. Here are some tips to keep everyone focused and productive.

How to Measure Business Profitability

Track your business’s profitability and overall financial health with these six useful methods.

Can You Give Employees Company Equity?

Equity compensation or benefits can help your small business attract and retain talent. Here's how it works.

How to Give Employees Part Ownership in Your Company

Want staff to have a personal investment in your business? Start by choosing a broad-based worker ownership or stock options model.

What Is an Employee-Owned Company?

The worker-ownership model benefits companies and staff. Here's how it works and improves small businesses.

Small Business Update: The Economy, Inflation, Retail Crime, and More

Challenges like inflation, organized retail crime, and workforce shortages have impacted small businesses across the country.

Start. Run. Grow. Setting Your Prices for Business Success

Whether you are starting a business or launching a new product, here's how to properly set prices for sustainable growth.

How to Deal with Angry Customers Online: Expert Tips

When working with irate online customers, empathy and listening are key to defusing anger.

How to Create a Business Partnership

Are you tired of carrying the load of running your small business alone? Learn how to start a business partnership and get ready to walk a little lighter.

Execs from Big Brands on Wooing Inflation-Minded Holiday Shoppers

Retailers including Michael Kors and Kendra Scott are appealing to deal-seeking consumers with broad product assortments and special perks for the biggest buying season of the year.