JOIN US! CO—100 Small Business Forum Virtual | In Person, October 8

Welcome Back!

A guide to welcoming your customers and employees back to your business.

CO— is here to help.

We know that the concept of returning to work looks different for every business, so our goal is to provide small business owners like you with the resources, tips and tangible advice that you need to create the picture of what that looks like for your own unique needs.

Coronavirus Employee Retention Tax Credit Guide

The Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) can greatly help businesses that suffered revenue reductions from COVID-19.

Anticipated Business Trends Post-Coronavirus

Expert prognosticators take a future-forward look at our potential post-COVID-19 new normal: ‘At times of crisis we see innovation flourish.’

Businesses Adapt to Meet Demand During Coronavirus Outbreak

Businesses are growing more responsive and creative in the face of COVID-19, identifying their customers’ changing needs and offering solutions.

Coronavirus Is Causing Brands to Adjust Their Digital Strategies

Communication, delivering virtual experiences and staying true to your message are key, the brands said.

How to Make Your Video Meetings More Productive

With more and more people working remotely, the importance of meaningful meetings has grown.

How to Host Virtual Events: Guide

Virtual events work best when you keep sessions short and offer ways for participants to actively engage.

National Small Business Town Hall Inc. & U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Coronavirus Stimulus

The federal government has acted, and $350 billion in loans are now available to help small businesses impacted by the coronavirus. Learn how to access those funds in our Small Business Town Hall.

How to Provide Great Customer Service During a Crisis

When things are going wrong, it’s important to know how to communicate with your customers effectively. Here are six ways you can provide great customer service during a crisis.

How to Start a Nonprofit Business

Nonprofits can be a significant source of good in the community, but starting one is not easy. If you’re considering launching a nonprofit organization, here are seven steps you can take.

How to Drive Traffic to Your E-Commerce Store

Driving quality traffic to your e-commerce site makes the difference between business as usual and growing your business to its full potential.