JOIN US! CO—100 Small Business Forum Virtual | In Person, October 8

Welcome Back!

A guide to welcoming your customers and employees back to your business.

CO— is here to help.

We know that the concept of returning to work looks different for every business, so our goal is to provide small business owners like you with the resources, tips and tangible advice that you need to create the picture of what that looks like for your own unique needs.

Interview with Smithsonian's Kirk Johnson

In this installment of "5 Business Lessons Learned," U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Suzanne Clark interviews Kirk Johnson, Executive Director of the Smithsonian’s Museum of Natural History.

How Business Development Can Boost Sales

A thorough, organized business development process can benefit your sales funnel and improve your sales team’s performance.

Guide to Cold Calling

Cold calling may seem like an intimidating or ineffective method of spreading the word about your business, but success can be achieved by following these best practices.

Remote Work Tools

Flexible work arrangements are a desired employee benefit, but can also benefit the employer when implemented correctly. Here are the tools you need to get started.

Guide to Small Business Loans

From startup loan requirements to increasing working capital, here are the most common questions that business owners ask when starting the search for funding.

Business Lessons from College H.U.N.K.S. Hauling Junk

Friends Omar Soliman and Nick Friedman turned a summer junk hauling business into an international franchise. Here's how two "college hunks" built a culture that grew their brand.

What is an S Corp?

An S corporation is an optimal classification for small businesses that have low startup costs and are looking to remain small.

How Small Businesses Can Offer 401K Plans

In this edition of “Ask the Board,” we asked Ben Thomason, executive vice president of revenue at Vestwell, if small businesses are in a position to offer workers a 401(k).

How Tech Startups Are Implementing Checkout-Free Platforms

Checkout-free retail is on the move. Amazon once had first-mover advantage, but a quartet of retail technology startups has leveled the playing field, taking innovation beyond the convenience store.

How to Quit Your Job to Start a Business

Quitting a job is never easy, but it can be especially tricky to break the news when you’re leaving to start your own business. Here’s how to do it right.