JOIN US! CO—100 Small Business Forum Virtual | In Person, October 8

Welcome Back!

A guide to welcoming your customers and employees back to your business.

CO— is here to help.

We know that the concept of returning to work looks different for every business, so our goal is to provide small business owners like you with the resources, tips and tangible advice that you need to create the picture of what that looks like for your own unique needs.

How to File a Patent

Filing for a patent can protect your creation and business. Here's what you need to know about the patent filing process.

Comcast Expands Viewing Access for People with Disabilities

The communications giant joins businesses from a variety of industries in finding ways to make their products and services more accessible to all.

How to Train a Sales Team

A well-oiled sales team is an integral part of a business's success. Here, four experts weigh in on best training practices.

Green Business Ideas

With a bit of creativity, entrepreneurs can satisfy the growing consumer demand for eco-consciousness in the business world.

How to Build a Personal Brand

As an entrepreneur, you are the public face of your business. Here's how to build a strong personal brand that shows the human side of your company.

5 Essential Email Marketing Features

Most email marketing software comes with a host of useful features to improve your campaigns and their results. These five features that can boost your efforts.

How to Define and Protect Trade Secrets

Does your business have a trade secret that has contributed to its success? Here’s how to identify and protect your trade secrets.

Bumble’s Margarita Mixers Highlight the Brand’s Offline Efforts

How the dating app/social network wooed millennials with interactive mixology events in cities across the country amid the rise of face-to-face experiences from digital brands.

Best Sales Prospecting Tools

Online platforms have expanded the way companies find and qualify new leads. Whether you’re an e-commerce shop or a service-oriented B2B company, these tools can help you grow.

Small Business Series: Atlanta

Highlights from our Small Business Series: Atlanta event on June 12, 2019. A review of the day’s key takeaways, valuable moments, and words of advice.