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Tax Incentives for Minority-Owned Businesses

Minority-owned businesses may be better positioned to take advantage of certain tax breaks and credits.

What Is Tax Form 941, and Who Needs to File It?

File this form quarterly to report federal withholdings from employees and avoid penalties and fees.

Tax Credits Small Businesses Don’t Know They Qualify For

Explore these commonly missed tax credits to see if there are opportunities to lower your current tax burden.

How to File a Research and Development Tax Credit

You may be more eligible than you think to claim expenses against the lucrative R&D tax credit.

Money-Saving Tax Strategies for Small Business

From paying down debt to choosing a retirement plan, there are several decisions small business owners need to make that can have an effect come tax season.

How W-2 Employees Are Taxed Differently Than 1099 Contractors

Misclassifying W-2 employees as 1099 contractors has severe penalties that can ruin an otherwise successful business. Learn the difference here.

How to Accept Cryptocurrency

Customers love digital payments, and offering the choice to pay in cryptocurrency can help boost customer loyalty.

How to Report Cryptocurrency Payments on Your Taxes

The IRS considers cryptocurrencies as property, subject to capital gains tax. Learn how to file a return reporting virtual currency in this complete guide.

How Do Charitable Donations Impact Your Taxes?

Donating throughout the year can significantly lower your tax burden, but make sure you’re keeping the right documentation filed.

P2P Income Tax Reporting Requirements

Understand the current rules and what’s changing in relation to income transferred through P2P payment systems.