A young woman stands in the doorway of a restaurant or cafe, leaning against the glass-fronted door. She is wearing a white-and-light-blue-striped shirt under a denim apron. She has one hand on her hip and is smiling confidently.
Studies of the brains of serial entrepreneurs and managers reveal strong connections between areas of the brain associated with flexible thinking and decision-making. — Getty Images/MoMo Productions

According to a study by HEC Liège Management School (HEC Liège) and Liège University Hospital (CHU Liège), the brains of entrepreneurs are wired differently than people who work traditional jobs for a company.

The study utilized resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI), which involves looking at the brain while it’s at rest. The test results suggest that serial entrepreneurs or those who launch multiple businesses have stronger connections between two essential parts of the brain: the right insula, which is correlated to flexible thinking, and the anterior prefrontal cortex, which is a vital area for new decision-making.

This unique wiring in the brain helps serial entrepreneurs think with flexibility. They can effectively switch between making the most out of current opportunities and exploring new ideas. While this balance is difficult to achieve, it’s crucial for the success of a startup or new business.

Even if you don’t have the natural ability to think like an entrepreneur, you can train your mind to do so.

In today’s competitive marketplace where change is rapid and unpredictable, cognitive flexibility may mean the difference between success and failure. Being flexible and open to new ideas can help you stay ahead of the competition and meet (or even exceed) your business goals. Here are several ways to adopt an entrepreneurial mindset:

  • Expect change: Prepare yourself to quickly react to new information and challenges as change is inevitable.
  • Recognize opportunities: Look for new opportunities and ways to make things better.
  • Set goals: Without clearly defined goals, you may wander rather than follow a road map that will steer you toward your desired outcomes.
  • Accept risks: While risks can be scary, they can also lead to unexpected growth.
  • Be creative: Take the road less traveled and solve problems through unconventional tools and strategies.
  • Embrace failure: Rather than fearing failure, appreciate it as a stepping stone that can bring you closer to success.
  • Communicate and collaborate: Share your ideas but also seek input from others as they may drive your progress.
  • Stay calm: During stressful times, do your best to manage your emotions so you can stay in touch with your logical side and make the most informed decisions.

If you’d like to thrive as a small business owner, your thoughts are just as important as your actions. Even if you don’t have the natural ability to think like an entrepreneur, you can train your mind to do so. While it takes patience and effort, it may be just what you need to succeed in your professional and personal life.

Read more: [This Week on Entrepreneur: Adopting the Right Mindset for Career Success]

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