A woman sits at a table and types on a laptop. The woman has chin-length brown hair and wears an unbuttoned maroon shirt over a white tank top. The table holding the laptop is otherwise covered with papers and books. The room in the background has vivid red-orange walls.
The information on your company website should speak to both your existing customer base and potential new customers. — Getty Images/kupicoo

Your company’s website is often the first thing a potential customer will see, so creating a solid website is crucial. Your website establishes your business’s credibility and showcases its products and services in the best light possible. Here are six things you should always include on your business’s website.


The homepage is your first opportunity to tell website visitors what your company is about and why they should care. Your homepage should start with a compelling headline that speaks to your ideal customer.

From there, you can include a more general description of your company's offerings. You should also have high-quality graphics that visually explain the main points you’re trying to make.

Creating a video for your homepage is another way to make a lasting impression on website visitors. A video is more engaging for your audience and will keep them on your website longer. Videos are also a great way to help someone new to your business begin to know, like, and trust you.

[Read more: How to Write Great Content for Your Website]

About page

You might be surprised to learn that the About page is often the most visited page on any business website. People do business with other people, so they want to get a sense of your business story and the individuals behind the company.

Your About page should outline how your business started and your company's mission. You can also include short bios of each member of your team.

The About page should also explain the types of customers you serve and the benefits your business offers them. The key to writing a good About page is to remember that it’s not really about your business — it’s about the customers your business serves.

A services or products page

You also need a page that outlines any products or services your business offers. This page should include descriptions of each product or service you offer and who they’re best for.

Your homepage should start with a compelling headline that speaks to your ideal customer.

You’ll want to include pricing information and clearly explain how customers can make a purchase. This information will allow potential customers to take the next step forward with your business.

If you sell physical products, you should include high-resolution photos of each one. Customers want to get a sense of what they’re purchasing, and images can help convert website visitors into customers.


Just explaining how your products or services work isn’t enough — you need to also include testimonials from happy customers. Testimonials show how your products or services helped solve a problem for that customer. If possible, you should include a name and photo with each testimonial, as this will create more social proof.

[Read more: 5 Smart Ways to Market Your B2B Business]

Contact page

You should make it as easy as possible for current and potential customers to get in touch with your business. Your website should have a separate contact page with your company’s address, phone number, and email address.

If you’re active on social media, your contact page can include links to your social media profiles. It’s also a good idea to include your business hours so people know when they can expect to hear back from you.

An invitation to join your email list

If you’re not giving your website visitors an opportunity to sign up for your email list, you are almost certainly missing out on potential sales. Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to communicate with potential customers and grow your revenue.

Start by creating a strong content offer you know your ideal customer will benefit from. For example, you can write an e-book or whitepaper that gives in-depth information about a topic your audience is interested in. After they sign up for your email list, they can automatically download the free content.

[Read more: How to Create and Manage an Email Marketing List]

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