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How to Find a Business Mentor

A business mentor can provide the advice and support new entrepreneurs need. Here are six ways to find a business mentor.

Business Metrics You Should Analyze Every Year

These five business metrics can give you a holistic view of your business’s annual performance.

How to File an Insurance Claim for Your Business

In the unfortunate event that you need to file a business insurance claim, here are the steps you need to take to improve your chances of getting compensated.

How to Delegate Tasks to an Outside Vendor

Working with vendors can increase your company’s productivity, but only if you outsource the right things. Here’s how to determine which tasks you should delegate.

How to Expand Beyond E-Commerce and Diversify Your Business

Here are five strategies e-commerce businesses can use to diversify their income and grow their revenue.

How Small Businesses Can Create Strong Community Partnerships

Building community partnerships can boost your marketing efforts and enhance long-term business growth. Here are seven steps to get started.

What to Consider Before Taking Your Business Global

A global expansion opens up new growth opportunities but comes with unique challenges as well. Here are six things to consider first.

Things to Do During Small Business Month to Grow Your Company

Want to scale your business? Achieve your goals with these core growth strategies and activities.

Why Your Small Business Should Partner With a University

Discover how higher ed–employer partnerships can reshape recruitment and retention for small businesses, fostering a more skilled and adaptable workforce.

Grow Your Small Business Using ChatGPT Prompts

Explore how these 10 ChatGPT prompts can transform your small business, from streamlining your workflow to refining your customer service.