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Everything that you need to know to start your own business. From business ideas to researching the competition.

Business Ideas

Ready to start a business? We'll help you find the perfect business idea.


Dig deep into your business idea to discover opportunities and unexpected roadblocks.


There's more to being a startup than registering a business. The A-Z guide to getting ready to launch your business.


Travel and Hospitality Business Ideas

Do you have a love of travel or a knack for being a hospitable host? Pursuing one of these travel and hospitality business ideas may be the right move for you.

Best Resources for LGBTQ+-Owned Businesses

Resources to help you start, run, and grow your business.

Resources For Family-Owned Businesses

These seven resources help family-owned businesses with conflict resolution, succession planning, and financial management.

AI Tools Your Small Business Needs for Competitive Analysis

Discover how your small business can leverage artificial intelligence tools to simplify data collection, improve your search engine optimization strategy, gain a competitive edge, and more.

Tasks You Can Outsource to an Outside Vendor

Outsourcing these five tasks will save time and money and improve your company’s efficiency.

Exploring Why Small Businesses Lead To Big Innovation

Discover how startups’ small business ingenuity drives innovation and impacts emerging industries with new ideas, according to new research.

How to Find a Business Mentor

A business mentor can provide the advice and support new entrepreneurs need. Here are six ways to find a business mentor.

How to Change Your EIN

An EIN is like a Social Security number for your business — while you can’t change it, you can get a new one and change your business details.

Business Metrics You Should Analyze Every Year

These five business metrics can give you a holistic view of your business’s annual performance.

How to File an Insurance Claim for Your Business

In the unfortunate event that you need to file a business insurance claim, here are the steps you need to take to improve your chances of getting compensated.