
The United States has the most dynamic, diverse, and resilient economy in the world. That momentum comes from people pursuing their dreams—from start-up entrepreneurs and small business owners to the leaders and workers of mid-cap companies and large global corporations, and everyone in between. When everyone works together to drive our economy forward, solutions are created, communities are strengthened, and opportunities emerge for all.
State of American Business 2025
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U.S. Chamber members range from small businesses and chambers of commerce across the country to startups in fast-growing sectors, leading industry associations, and global corporations.
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Our Work
The U.S. Chamber works with business and government to strengthen our economy. While a flourishing business community and a competitive workforce drive growth, the government sets the conditions for success. We advocate for commonsense policies and smart regulations that give businesses the confidence and certainty to invest, expand, hire, and innovate for the future.
- WorkforceTalent Forward: Advancing an Engaged, Agile, and Resilient WorkforceWednesday, March 26 - Thursday, March 2712:00 PM EDT - 05:30 PM EDT1615 H Street, NW, Washington, DC 20062Learn More
- Small BusinessC-Suite to Main Street: The Power of Failure in Building Business SuccessThursday, April 0312:00 PM EDT - 12:30 PM EDTVirtualLearn More
- EnergyCritical Minerals SummitWednesday, April 0909:00 AM EDT - 12:00 PM EDT1615 H Street, NW, Washington, DC 20062Learn More
Latest Content
The Athens Area Chamber of Commerce shared how businesses in Athens, Georgia, are getting college students ready for classes and supporting them during the year.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce calls on candidates and members of Congress to prioritize competitive tax policy as a means of achieving 3% economic growth to improve the quality of life for all Americans.
The agriculture and food industries support over 34 million American jobs and fuel the economy with extensive supply chains and robust export markets.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce issued a statement on the need for pro-growth policies, not price controls, to lower costs and create opportunities for American families.
From pencils to sports equipment, American businesses ensure families, students, and teachers have everything they need for an enriching school year.
The U.S. Chamber is calling on elected officials to secure a better life for Americans by supporting policies that would lead to economic growth 50% above current projections over the next decade.
Supporting IP protections for the creative community isn’t a trivial business issue; it’s a socioeconomic necessity.
Business ramps up in the summertime for this Virginia small business that specializes in bringing outdoor activities to everyone.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce calls on candidates and elected officials to expand opportunities for all Americans by placing growth back at the center of our nation’s agenda.
The U.S. Chamber believes America needs a national priority for growth, driven by people through innovation and productivity and fostered through sound public policy. That's why we are outlining policies that will help us reach the goal of 3% annual real economic growth.