
July 24, 2024


Addressing human trafficking involves overcoming various challenges, including siloed community efforts and the secure handling of sensitive data. Community leaders often struggle with under-resourced and uncoordinated efforts, making it difficult to gather, analyze, and assess comprehensive data on the current response and risk factors.

Visualizing community-wide data informs from decision makers to legislators to nonprofits to law enforcement, by enabling effective solutions for the following:

  • Addressing community vulnerabilities.
  • Identifying and rescuing trafficking victims.
  • Providing restorative services.
  • Developing impactful reform efforts.

Pomerol Partners began collaborating with Engage Together, whose mission is to strengthen community response to prevent and end human trafficking by providing data-driven insights, strategies, and support in the fight against human trafficking for visualization purposes.

Together with Qlik, Pomerol and Engage Together created an application that serves dashboards that community leaders can access and understand. These dashboards empower communities across Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, Tennessee, and Wyoming to visualize the available resources in the fight against human trafficking.

To further a deeper understanding of risks, Belmont University’s Data Collaborative (BDC) partnered with Engage Together and Pomerol to develop a new layer of data-driven insights for communities, called the Vulnerable Population Index Score. BDC’s expertise in data analysis contributes to strengthening insights and strategies alongside local partners.

Moving forward, Texas and Florida are planning to deploy the application dashboard. The U.S. Senate has also expressed an interest in nationwide expansion.

Engage Together has developed Justice U, an online learning platform designed to build and verify participants’ critical knowledge and skills to recognize and respond to human trafficking through  a wide range of role-specific online courses, badges, and digital certifications. When Justice U and the application dashboard are deployed in tandem, Pomerol Partners is able to monitor the reach and impact of both solutions.

Belmont University, Engage Together, Pomerol Partners, Qlik, and a growing network of partners plan to host a convening to continue making technological advancements on current and future capabilities of Engage Together’s work to strengthen the response to end and prevent human trafficking and care for those impacted by it.  

Together, we hope to bring these solutions to even more states across the nation and support global efforts.