Anti-Human Trafficking

Our Work
Human trafficking is a global scourge that touches every part of the economy. The U.S. Chamber’s Taskforce to Eradicate Human Trafficking works with stakeholders, lawmakers, senior government officials, and the public to create strategies to find and stop bad actors. Together with leaders in communities, businesses, and government, we raise awareness, provide education, and give a voice to the survivor community through initiatives designed to support victims.
Combatting Human Trafficking
- WorkforceTalent Forward: Advancing an Engaged, Agile, and Resilient WorkforceLive Now12:00 PM EDT - 05:30 PM EDT1615 H Street, NW, Washington, DC 20062
- Small BusinessC-Suite to Main Street: The Power of Failure in Building Business SuccessThursday, April 0312:00 PM EDT - 12:30 PM EDTVirtualLearn More
- EnergyCritical Minerals SummitWednesday, April 0909:00 AM EDT - 12:00 PM EDT1615 H Street, NW, Washington, DC 20062Learn More
Latest Content
How Pomerol Partners LLC Moved From Awareness to Action Through Its Partnership With Justice UTM
How BECU Counters Human Trafficking With Support From Businesses Ending Slavery & Trafficking (BEST)
Businesses Ending Slavery & Trafficking (BEST) Fights Human Trafficking
Businesses, experts from the private sector, representatives from non-governmental organizations, and federal, state, and local entities spoke about their efforts to eliminate human trafficking.
Engage Together, Pomerol Partners, and Qlik Create Visualization Dashboard to Address Human Trafficking
Two critical pieces of legislation passed the U.S. House of Representatives in February 2024, which can improve the U.S. response to human trafficking.
The business community is concerned about human trafficking offenses and supports a bipartisan bill to assist federal employees in recognizing human trafficking and how to report it.
This Hill letter was sent to the Members of the U.S. House of Representatives supporting H.R. 443, “The Enhancing Detection of Human Trafficking Act.”
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Alliance for Freedom, Restoration, and Justice, and Truckers Against Trafficking, hosted a briefing on Capitol Hill to educate Members of Congress and their staffs on the critical role of partnerships to address human trafficking.
The U.S. Chamber and the AFRJ partnered to produce this publication to emphasize the importance of regional partnerships to fight this heinous crime.