February 18, 2025
Michael Billet, senior director of policy research in the Employment Policy Division at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce interviewed Donna H. Edwards, former first lady of Louisiana, where she spoke about the importance of cross-sectoral collaboration to end human trafficking. As first lady, Edwards founded the National Coalition for the Prevention of Human Sex Trafficking (NCPHST), an initiative made up of first spouses to leverage their leadership platforms to promote the prevention of sex trafficking.
She described the importance of statewide agencies working together. “When I was first lady of Louisiana, the state instituted the Stop Human Trafficking Louisiana: Human Trafficking is R.E.A.L. campaign. The R means recognize the signs, E means educate others, A means act immediately and tell someone, and L means listen and support victims.”
Edwards ended her remarks, saying, “The U.S. Chamber has been a stalwart ally of NCPHST. The private sector plays a constructive role in educating employees and the public to recognize the signs of trafficking and report this crime to law enforcement.”
About the authors
Michael Billet
Michael Billet, director of policy research for Employment Policy at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, keeps members and internal Chamber policy staff abreast of pending labor, immigration, and health care legislation, as well as federal regulatory and subregulatory activities. He is also responsible for planning the Chamber’s annual workplace and community wellness forum.