Worker Safety

Feature story
The Act would result in OSHA issuing a new ergonomics standard and giving unions a streamlined approach to organizing warehouses.
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The health and safety of workers are crucial to business productivity and a hallmark of a strong and sustainable economy. American businesses understand that safe workplaces are sound business practices. The U.S. Chamber promotes workplace safety policies that protect employees from hazards while not placing unreasonable burdens on business owners.
- WorkforceTalent Forward: Advancing an Engaged, Agile, and Resilient WorkforceWednesday, March 26 - Thursday, March 2712:00 PM EDT - 05:30 PM EDT1615 H Street, NW, Washington, DC 20062Learn More
- Small BusinessC-Suite to Main Street: The Power of Failure in Building Business SuccessThursday, April 0312:00 PM EDT - 12:30 PM EDTVirtualLearn More
- EnergyCritical Minerals SummitWednesday, April 0909:00 AM EDT - 12:00 PM EDT1615 H Street, NW, Washington, DC 20062Learn More
Latest Content
The Act would result in OSHA issuing a new ergonomics standard and giving unions a streamlined approach to organizing warehouses.
This publication, Anti-Human Trafficking Laws, provides an overview of relevant laws, executive orders, treaties, and conventions, in the international human rights context. The first section of this publication, Federal Laws, highlights human trafficking rules applicable to companies in the U.S. The second part, International Laws, provides an overview of human trafficking treaties and conventions, as well as supply chain due diligence laws in Europe.
Businesses that make structural adaptations or other workplace accommodations for employees with disabilities may be eligible for certain tax incentives.
These comments were sent to the Department of Labor on the OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard on vaccine and testing requirements.
Read the Coalition for Workplace Safety's comments to James Frederick, Acting Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health, regarding DOL's Emergency Temporary Standard for COVID-19.
Read the Chamber's comments to James Frederick, Acting Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health, regarding DOL's Emergency Temporary Standard for COVID-19.
This Coalition letter was sent to the House Committee on Education and Labor, on H.R. 2694, the "Pregnant Workers Fairness Act."
This Hill letter was sent to the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation, on the hearing entitled, “Highly Automated Vehicles: Federal Perspectives on the Deployment of Safety Technology.”
The U.S. Chamber's recently launched Project GO, an initiative that advances corporate solutions to pressing societal challenges.