Employment Policy
American job creators help workers provide for their families and lead healthy, secure, and fulfilling lives. The Chamber advocates for federal and state-level policies that improve the business climate and drive economic growth while providing opportunities for workers to thrive.
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A new study reveals how some union practices prioritize maintaining their political influence over delivering benefits.
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Our Work
The U.S. Chamber works with leaders at the U.S. Department of Labor, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the National Labor Relations Board, Congressional committees, and state legislatures to protect opportunities for independent contractors, promote needed immigration reforms to welcome global talent to the American workforce, and preserve every American’s right to work.
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On December 11th, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce submitted this comment letter to the Department of Labor in response to the agency’s request for data and information regarding the proposed Extension of Applicability Date for Claims Procedure for Plans Providing Disability Benefits.
The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has a new sheriff in the form of Peter B. Robb, its new General Counsel.
In November 2013, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce published a Working Paper, The Emerging Role of Worker Centers in Union Organizing: A Strategic Assessment, which examined the complex relationship between worker centers and traditional labor unions, and delineated the extensive funding of the worker center movement by activist foundations during the period 2009-2012. The present essay reviews that analysis in the light of subsequent developments, and, using data from public filings and reports covering the period 2013-2016, brings forward our examination of the mechanisms by which the labor movement and the philanthropic community support this form of organizing.
The Workforce Freedom Initiative (WFI) today released a new report titled The Emerging Role of Worker Centers in Union Organizing...
This white paper represents the Chamber’s initial step toward a broader solution to labor trafficking and provides insight into how we hope to achieve a common objective. No business desires to be associated with human trafficking in any manner, and every responsible firm seeks to eliminate the problem from its own operations and, to the extent practicable, from appropriate suppliers and business partners. Every business faces its own distinct challenges to address human trafficking based on the size, complexity, and geographic footprint of its operations.
Nearly 800,000 young immigrants that face deportation if DACA is completely rescinded and Congress fails to act.