Coalition Performance Contracting Challenge POTUS4 15 21


April 15, 2021


Dear Mr. President:
Thank you for your attention to energy efficiency, resiliency and clean energy in America’s built environment, evidenced by your commitment to facilitate the renovation of four million buildings. We support your Administration’s commitment to addressing sustainability in Federal facilities and we are encouraged that the federal government will lead by example.

We respectfully ask you to include a substantial federal performance contracting challenge that surpasses the government’s 2012-2016 levels. A Federal Performance Contracting Challenge was undertaken in 2011 through 2016 as a part of the Better Building Initiative and ensured that agencies were able to maximize energy and water savings using private sector expertise and financing. This effort was highly successful, surpassing the $4 billion goal of private investment over five years. We believe your administration can accomplish more efficiency, resiliency, renewable on site generation and even more emissions reductions with a more aggressive goal.

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