Association Comments on EPA SC GHG Peer Review Nominations


December 01, 2022


The undersigned organizations appreciate the opportunity to provide input into the selection of the candidates for the peer review panel that will undertake an external review of the draft “Report on the Social Cost of Greenhouse Gases: Estimates Incorporating Recent Scientific Advances.”1 Our comments focus on ensuring integrity in the selection of the reviewers and pursuing public input on the development of the charge questions for the review.

The social cost of greenhouse gases (SC-GHG) estimates have been applied to multiple federal regulations, among other actions, that amount to hundreds of billions of dollars in estimated climate benefits, along with significant costs. For this reason, the business community has a direct and substantial interest in ensuring that any SC-GHG estimates that are used in agency rulemakings are the product of a sound, transparent, and inclusive process.

Association Comments on EPA SC GHG Peer Review Nominations